Top 3 Best Facewash Available at RIOS Store.
Finding the suitable basic everyday face wash may not be as simple as you think. And then, of course, different skin types require other ingredients. For acne-prone skin, exfoliating ingredients such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, components like Aloe, Cucumber and clay work best. To help you find the best face washes and cleansers for these skin types and more, we have listed down 3 face washes that are popular at RIOS.
Rivaj Daily Essentials Refreshing Gel Wash A mild and gentle face wash gives a calming and soothing effect and leaves skin radiant and moisturized with every wash. It is not only affordable but suits all skin types too. |
Ponds White Beauty Mineral Face Cleanser If you’re someone who loves the luxurious experience of washing skin with a creamy texture, Ponds White Beauty Mineral Face Cleanser is a bet for all skin types. It cleanses your skin without stripping essential oils from your face and maintains your skin’s pH balance. |
Simple Sensitive Skin Refreshing face wash This refreshing 100% soap-free, vegan face wash removes dirt, oil and impurities, leaving skin feeling refreshed and revived. No colours, no perfume, or harsh chemicals can upset your skin. Perfect for even the most sensitive skin. |